Detoxing simply means dejunking your body. With all the toxic waste we pick up from convenience foods and polluted air, our bodies can’t push the poison out fast enough. Which leaves us feeling tired, sluggish and in need of a boost, but give your body a break and you’ll feel an instant lift. Other benefits to expect include cleaner skin, tighter muscle tone (wave goodbye to your cellulite), a flatter stomach and much more energy. Not bad for a few days’ work.

If you’re going to follow a detox eating plan, here’s what you should avoid:

Red Meat

*Dairy products (butter, cheese, milk and eggs)


*Bread and pastry


*Cakes and biscuits

*Flour and wheat

*Sweets and chocolate

*Convenience foods

*Tea and coffee


*Anything containing artificial additives (preservatives, coloring, flavoring etc).


Now this is how you start — for more info: email me at